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My name is Yvette. About a year ago I discovered my love for restoring furniture or what is more commonly known now as 'upcyling'. I enjoy seeing the potential in pieces, when others cannot and get excited about what could be. I love breathing new life into dusty, unloved and outdated pieces. In this throw away culture we live in today, I can't stand perfectly good "things" going to waste. Although, that's probably why our house is full of 'projects' of mine as much to my husband's dismay! Being able to transform a piece to the point where it becomes not only current and trendy, but a piece that someone wants in their own home and to enjoy it for themselves, is incredibly rewarding for me. 

I love to Rescue & Restore...


The Introvert Upcycler

Being an introvert is what makes me, me and yes as a typical introvert I may not sell myself very well as a natural born leader, but it does have other qualities. I enjoy time to myself, to think, to create and to recharge. I am a huge animal lover, often enjoying and prefering their company over some humans! I prefer spending quality time with a couple of close friends and enjoy nothing more than a cuppa tea in my pyjamas! Although I still get anxious about social situations, I have learnt to adapt and if I was being honest, tend to have a good time in the end! I do not want to hide or suppress the introvert inside me and I feel people tend to forget that perhaps the introvert in you is the best part of yourself. 

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